- Electricity cost savings
Today's server and workstation processors and memory are
capable of far more speed than your average server and even
desktop ever need. They consume hundreds of watts to sit
idle 90% of the time, costing you or your company over
$50.00/month, or $600.00/year to do very little, and that's
just for an entry level server. If you have a low-end
enterprise class server, it could be triple that. Cooling
costs can double those numbers.
- Real estate savings
Often overlooked is the fact that servers today consume so
much power that the maximum number that can be
installed in a rack is limited by the power budget of that
rack. Add to that the cost of a colocation rack at an
average of $800/month for a 40-amp rack, versus $500/month for
a 15-amp rack, and the same savings potential of using low
power Lopoco servers gets even higher.
You can safely put 33 Lopoco servers in a 15-amp rack, while
you can only put between 6 and 12 conventional entry level
servers in a 40-amp rack, which costs $300/month more than a
15-amp rack (average colocation per-rack price).
- Lopoco v. conventional servers
An average Lopoco server uses about 30 watts at idle
and 45 watts under load. That means you can install
twice as many Lopoco servers in a 15-amp rack as you can
conventional entry level servers in a 40-amp rack. Even
if Lopoco servers only perform at 50% of the throughput of
a conventional server, price/performance is better with
Lopoco servers when you factor in the cost of a 15-amp rack
v. a 40-amp rack or the raw cost of the power in your own
data center, IT closet or lab.
- Summary
It's almost a no-brainer: with Lopoco servers, you can save
on your electric and/or colo bill while using less racks
to build out your server needs.
Call or email us today.