Advanced UPS Property If your UPS doesn't support this function, the item will display grayed and user cannot select this item. 1. Enable Wakeup Computer: If your computer architecture is compatible to ATX and the BIOS support RS-232(RI) Wakeup function. You should enable this item to make the Schedule work correctly. 2. Enable Resume Computer: Be sure the BIOS supports RS-232(RI) Wakeup function. When SentryPlus suspend the computer and UPS detects the change of power status, UPS will resume the computer and let SentryPlus notify users. 3. Enable Power Fail, Auto-Reboot: The time-line describes below, If you enable this function, UPS will reboot to restart the computer otherwise, it back to normal state. 4. Enable Economic Mode: Switch to UPS economic mode. 5. UPS Periodic Auto-Test: Daily, weekly, biweekly and monthly. UPS starts the test procedure automatically when it reaches the test time.