Network 1. Set Password: Set the SentryPlus Service password. 2. Choose Master/Slave: Set SentryPlus Service mode. If the computer connect to UPS directly(with RS-232 cable or USB cable) then the SentryPlus Service act as a Master, otherwise it is a Slave. When SentryPlus Service be a Slave you must assign the Master IP address such that the Slave can connect to the Master host and get the UPS information. a. Master: Configure the SentryPlus Service be a Master. Master will forward the UPS information to connected Slave(s). b. Slave: Configure the SentryPlus Service be a Slave. c. Master IP Address: When SentryPlus Service be a Slave you must assign the Master IP address such that the Slave can connect to the Master host and get the UPS information. If you leave the item empty or type a wrong address SentryPlus will shows a disconnect message. 3. SNMP: Select the Accept SNMP packet from any hosts, SentryPlus will accept all the request commands and set commands. When you select the Accept SNMP packet from the following hosts, SentryPlus receives only the hosts that you assigned. Once the power event occurred and user enables the SNMP Trap in the Action dialog box, SentryPlus will send the SNMP trap to the hosts that listed in the Trap Target list box. To add, modify or delete the host, click on its respective command button. SNMP Trap Number: Variable Trap Number Description dupsCommunicationLost 1 SEVER: Communication with the UPS failed dupsCommunicationEstablished 2 INFORMATION: Communication with the UPS reestablished dupsPowerFail 3 WARNING: Power failed! The UPS is operating on battery power dupsPowerRestored 4 INFORMATION: Power restored! The utility power restored dupsLowBattery 5 SEVER: The UPS batteries are low and will soon be exhausted dupsReturnFromLowBattery 6 INFORMATION: The UPS has returned from a low battery condition dupsLoadWarning 7 INFORMATION: Loading percent of the UPS over the Load Warning value dupsNoLongerLoadWarning 8 INFORMATION: Returnd from Load Warning condition dupsLoadSeverity 9 Warning: Loading percent of the UPS over the Load Severity value dupsNoLongerLoadSeverity 10 INFORMATION: Returned from Load Severity condition dupsLoadOnBypass 11 WARNING: The UPS loads on bypass dupsNoLongerLoadOnBypass 12 INFORMATION: The UPS is not on bypass mod dupsUPSFault 13 SEVER: A general fault caused in the UPS dupsBatteryGroundFault 14 SEVER: The UPS battery ground faul dupsNoLongerBatteryFault 15 INFORMATION: The UPS recovered from battery ground fault dupsTestInProgress 16 INFORMATION: The UPS test in progress dupsBatteryTestFail 17 SEVER: The UPS test in progress dupsFuseFailure 18 SEVER: The UPS fuse failed dupsFuseRecovered 19 INFORMATION: The UPS fuse recovere dupsOutputOverload 20 SEVER: The UPS overload dupsNoLongerOverload 21 INFORMATION: Recovered from UPS overload dupsOutputOverCurrent 22 SEVER: The UPS output overcurrent dupsNoLongerOutputOverCurrent 23 INFORMATION: Recovered from UPS overcurrent dupsInverterAbnormal 24 SEVER: The UPS inverter abnorma dupsInverterRecovered 25 SEVER: Recovered from UPS inverter abnorma dupsRectifierAbnormal 26 SEVER: The UPS rectifier abnormal dupsRectifierRecovered 27 INFORMATION: The UPS recovered from rectifier abnormal dupsReserveAbnormal 28 SEVER: The UPS rectifier abnorma dupsReserveRecovered 29 INFORMATION: The UPS rectifier abnormal dupsLoadOnReserve 30 INFORMATION: The UPS load on reserve dupsNoLongerLoadOnReserve 31 INFORMATION: The UPS no longer load on reserve dupsEnvOverTemperature 32 WARNING: The environment overtemperature dupsNoLongerEnvOverTemperature 33 INFORMATION: The environment recovered from overtemperatur dupsEnvOverHumidity 34 WARNING: The environment overhumidit dupsNoLongerEnvOverHumidity 35 INFORMATION: The environment recovered from overhumidity 4. HTTP: SentryPlus support WEB Server for remote manager to get UPS information. User can use IE or Communicator connect to SentryPlus Service. Even your computer doesn't install SentryPlus you can monitor and control your UPS via network. a. HTTP Root: The HTTP root path. All the html and gif files will be located here. b. Port Number: default port number is 80 but if there is already one WEB server running you can change SentryPlus Service HTTP port number to different number. At the Internet Browser you can input in the URL where 2000 is the assigned port number.