Hi <Name>,

I’m a co-founder at Low Power Company, Inc., known as Lopoco. We are a startup in Silicon Valley that makes ultra-efficient servers. The problem is that conventional servers actually waste most of the power they consume, so we decided we could do better. After 2.5 years of R&D we came up with a line of servers that run cool and quiet, with the added benefits of saving 75% on electricity/HVAC and being environmentally friendly.

I came across <Company> and decided you looked like the type of company I designed our servers for. And due to your background, I thought you would be best positioned to see the benefit of Lopoco servers.

Our philosophy is no gimmicks: less power; same filling. You get the performance of 64-bit X86 processors, without the power price of conventional servers. So give us a call and we’ll set you up with an eval server so you can see the benefits of our ultra-efficent servers first hand!

Andrew Sharp

Low Power Company, Inc.


