
Rear Brake Job

Is that a naked squirrel?
I wonder why that cord is there
Damn I'm cute!
One nasty-ass rotor with nothin left!
Is that a naked squirrel? I wonder why that cord is there Damn I'm cute! One nasty-ass rotor with nothin left!

OK, that's just horrible
Excuse me, I'm busy here ... walking and stuff.
OMG is that sweet
Pretty suspension, olden rotor
OK, that's just horrible Excuse me, I'm busy here ... walking and stuff. OMG is that sweet Pretty suspension, olden rotor

Old rotor off and ready for the new.
Ready, but with less flash.
Get some leverage on that biaaaatch
Old rotor off and ready for the new. Ready, but with less flash. Get some leverage on that biaaaatch