Framework for Automated Testing (fat)
Usage of the testing framework
Implementing your test as part of the framework
- Create a file with your test name
- Import in BaseTestModule from
from fat import BaseTestModule
- Create a class inside your file called TestModule
class TestModule(BaseTestModule):
- Overload the get_name() method and return a short
description of the test
def get_name(self):
return "Flex21 firmware installer"
- Overload the run() method, this is where you do your tests
def run(self):
In the TestModule the following methods are available to you
when executing other programs:
- catch_return(cmd)
ret = self.catch_return(command)
This will execute 'command' and return the exit code
- catch_output(cmd)
out = self.catch_output(command)
This will execute 'command' and return its output
- catch_return_output(cmd)
(ret,out) = self.catch_return_output(command)
This will execute 'command' and return a tuple of
(exit status, output)
When the TestModule is instantiated by the framework it is given
three arguments which are available to you
- A logging mechanism object is given to you as self.log with the
following methods are available to the log:
self.log.debug(msg) |
will print DEBUG: messages if a -D argument was handed
to the framework |
self.log.teststart(msg) |
will begin gathering statistics on the test 'msg' and
print a STARTED message | |
will print an INFO message |
self.log.warn(msg) |
will print a WARNING message |
self.log.error(msg) |
will print an ERROR message and log an error (the
definition of error in this case is external to the
test itself, i.e., port was busy, or ip not available) |
self.log.passed(msg) |
if test ran within expected parameters, this will log
a PASSED message and be captured as a statistic | |
if test failed to perform within expected parameters
this will print a FAILED message and be captured as a
statistic |
- A Interface object will be available to you as self.ifc. In the case of Flex, this is a FlexAccess object as can be found in the module.
This uses the FlexAccess object which acts as a cache of the various access objects so that multiple test scripts can be run within our test framework one after the other and each one won't have to re-connect to serial CLI, etc. On the other hand, we create each of the access objects on demand so that we won't spend time connecting to things someone doesn't need.
For telnet sessions, reglib sessions, etc, it is possible to have
multiple simultaneous sessions, so an instance # is used to retrieve
independent objects.
- self.ifc.get(request, inst=0)
Accepts the following requests:
- "leftconsole" - returns left serial cons.
- "rightconsole" - returns right serial cons.
- "lefttelnet" - returns telnet to left mgr CLI
- "righttelnet" - returns telnet to right mgr CLI
- "telnet" - returns telnet to floating IP
- "leftshell" - returns telnet to left mgr
port 5000
- "rightshell" - returns telnet to right mgr
port 5000
** Note that the subclass of pexpect object also provides utility methods "setAttrValue" and "getAttrValue" so that they can be used in place of a reglib object for simple interactions.
The following requests return a reglib object
- "leftreglib" - returns reglib for left mgr
- "rightreglib" - returns reglib for left mgr
- "reglib" - returns reglib to floating IP
The object returned is a pexpect object that has all
pexpect.Spawn options (see pexpect documentation for
further details).
In order to use this object you will need to import
import pexpect
Create desired object (in this case a connection to flex3's
right flex manager)
self.spid = self.ifc.get("rightconsole")
The following are the most commonly used methods of the
- self.spid.send("sh\r")
This sends the sh command to the terminal
***It is important not to forget the '\r'!***
- i = spid.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT,"#"])
if i == 0:
raise Error("Connecting to fmgr shell timed out")
elif i == 1:
# got our shell prompt, continue on
from testconfig import Error
raise Error("Got unknown argument while waiting for shell prompt")
This will watch for the '#' shell prompt and throw a
fat Error if we time out or something unexpected
- self.ifc.getTarget()
This will return the target your interface is using. Its
return will be a text string i.e., flex3
This will match the argument given by the frameworks -t
- self.ifc.getFrl(target)
This will return a string with information about the target
flex manager in the form of ip:linuxbox:tty. i.e.,
getFrl(flex1a) will return
- self.ifc.frl_to_dict
This takes a frl string (such as returned by getFrl()) and
returns a dictionary of {'ip':xx,'linuxbox':xx,'port':xx}
- A list of arguments as supplied to the framework by the caller which can be retrieved as self.args. It will have the form of ["arg","opt","arg",opt"] and is easily searchable by your class
Exception handling
All errors should be tried for within your program, any that are not caught willbe captured by the framework and the overall test results considered a failure.
The exception to this rule is the framework provided exception class FatalError(). If the module throws a FatalError to the framework, the framework will take this as a flag that the module has failed in such a manner that no further testing will be possible. In this case the framework will simply exit and report statistics without continuing.
The FatalError class can be imported from
from testconfig import FatalError
It can than be used as any exception class, i.e.,:
raise FatalError("Something boffed")
except FataError,err:
print str(err)
The Error class is also available for your use as:
from testconfig import Error uses only these errors internally. If an other exception
type occurs, the framework will print a stack trace and than
continue testing.
Integrating your test into the Framework
To have your test part of those automatically run, add the filename (minus the .py) to the public function get_tests().
For example:
To add the module to the automatically run tests,
change the return of get_tests() so...
return ["test1",]
return ["test1","flexinstall"]
Using the test Framework
The test framework is housed in the file Its usage:
-h | -? |
Will print out the usage/help screen |
-D |
Will turn on debugging allowing all self.log.debug()
statements to go to the logging mechanism in the
individual tests. |
-i <input> |
The input type is one of script|cli|gui.
- script - is a non-interactive click and run interface
- cli - will require user intervention
- gui - is a graphically rich environment
requiring user interaction
'script' is set by default
**currently only the script option
is available**
-o <output> |
The ouput type is one of screen|file=filename|echo=filename.
- screen - will send all log data to stdout
(i.e., the screen)
- file=filename - will create the logfile
filename and write all data to that
- echo=filename - will create the logfile filename,
write all data to that file as well as to stdout.
-t <targetfm> |
The target flexmanager pair. targetfm should be of the
form -t flex3.
-m <module_to_run> |
This optional argument if given will run the single module
named instead of the list found in |
-- |
Is used to seperate the left framework arguments from the
right user arguments. All arguments found after the
'--' will be turned into a list and given to the
testmodules to use if they choose. This list is also
handed to the interface on initialization of FlexAccess().
Some examples:
I have a module named that I want to run
manually. The flexinstall module requires some additional
parameters to run, it needs a --flex argument telling it which
of the module pair to run and a --file of which file to load
and install.
python -m flexinstall -- --flex b --file
* This will run the flex install module in a non-interactive
mode (defaulted -i script) and will send its output to the
screen (defaulted -o screen). It will give the argument list
["--flex","b","--file","/home/jclark/"] to my program as
Application framework class diagram (from the users perspective)
Thanks Bob!
End of Document