Using GoDaddy DNS for LetsEncrypt domain validation. Quick guide to setting up getssl for domain validation of GoDaddy DNS domains. There are two prerequisites to using getssl with GoDaddy DNS: 1) Obtain an API access key from At first sign-up, you will be required to take a "test" key. This is NOT what you need. Accept it, then get a "Production" key. At this writing, there is no charge - but you must have a GoDaddy customer account. You must get the API key for the account which owns the domain that you want to get certificates for. If the domains that you manage are owned by more than one account, get a key for each. The access key consists of a "Key" and a "Secret". You need both. 2) Obtain - With those in hand, the installation procedure is: 1) Put in the getssl DNS scripts directory Default: /usr/share/getssl/dns_scripts 2) Open your config file (the global file in ~/.getssl/getssl.cfg or the per-account file in ~/.getssl/ 3) Set the following options: VALIDATE_VIA_DNS="true" DNS_ADD_COMMAND="/usr/share/getssl/dns_scripts/dns_add_godaddy" DNS_DEL_COMMAND="/usr/share/getssl/dns_scripts/dns_del_godaddy" # The API key for your account/this domain export GODADDY_KEY="..." GODADDY_SECRET="..." 4) Set any other options that you wish (per the standard directions.) Use the test CA to make sure that everything is setup correctly. That's it. getssl will now validate with DNS. To trace record additions and removals, run getssl as GODADDY_TRACE=Y getssl There are additional options, which are documented in the *godaddy" files and dns_godaddy -h. Copyright (2017) Timothe Litt litt at acm _dot org This sofware may be freely used providing this notice is included with all copies. The name of the author may not be used to endorse any other product or derivative work. No warranty is provided and the user assumes all responsibility for use of this software. Report any issues to Enjoy.