script to make mp3; cdda2mp3 cdda2mp3 [-psy] [name_prefix_for_all_mp3_files [1 2 3...]] cdda2mp3.lnx for Linux SCSI generic I/F cdda2mp3.bsd for FreeBSD This script is used with cdda2wav ( cdda2wav-1.0c ). After installing cdda2wav, make a symbolic link named as list_audio_tracks from cdda2wav in the same directory as cdda2wav. You may have to modify this script according to your environment since this is for only SCSI ID=0 on CD-ROM. usage: 1) convert the specified tracks to mp3-file % cdda2mp3 z 1 2 3 ;making z1.mp3, z2.mp3, z3.mp3 2) convert the all tracks to mp3-file named as zz???.mp3 % cdda2mp3 zz ;making zz01.mp3, zz02.mp3, ... 3)% cdda2mp3 ;making autiotrack01.mp3, autiotrack02.mp3, ... default is -nopsy, so you may add -psy if you like.