BIOS settings: Turn "Direct Video" to "Always on". Grub install ALWAYS select the option to install grub to the removable media path, as it won't work without this. This means that you can't have multiple OSes installed on a box unless Linux is the "uber" OS, and you use grub to boot those other OSes as well as Linux. Not really an issue since we aren't going to have other OSes on these boxes. Disk partitioning First partition should be the EFI partition, probably at least 250MB. This ends up being a vfat partition where EFI variables are visible to the OS. But all you have to do is create it in the partitioner and mark it as the system EFI partition. The installer and/or the BIOS do the rest for you. If you select "make variables writeable" in the BIOS, then some of these variables can be modified by just editing them right there in the filesystem. Or so I assume. IPMI notes Port sharing iLo 5, as is on these new HP systems, uses a DIFFERENT way of network port sharing than previous versions. Previous versions use the dedicated HTTP port 16992 on the same IP address. iLo 5 instead presents a different MAC address for itself, and so gets its own IP address from DHCP (if that's how you provision it), hence you just point your browser at that IP addr. When the box is powered up and working normally, the regular networking gets a different IP addr from iLo because it's a different MAC addr. That's why, when I first checked to see if iLo was available via port sharing on the new hardware, I thought it wasn't there because it wasn't responding on HTTP port 16992. So I freaked out and thought we got screwed. This is the first time I've seen that method of port sharing used when there is no separate physical nKVM/IPMI network port. The iLo port shows up in DHCP as host name ILOserial. That's the give-away. ILO2M220500Q0 on this particular box. There is a sticker on the bottom of the box giving you the iLo "Administrator" password - it's a pain. Plus I didn't see it there, so yet another reason I thought we got screwed. I added a user with the same priviledges: root/teslaiLo. Use it.