Proposed corporate bylaws for Low Power Company, Inc. Written: May 5th, 2014 Author: Andrew Sharp I. Employee Relations A. The Department of Employee Relations shall govern all aspects employee/corporation interaction. This department will never be called "Human Resources". B. Dogs will never be banned from Lopoco facilities. 1. Dogs will never be banned or outlawed. 2. Functional restrictions may be necessary for certain areas, such as manufacturing, shipping, laboratory and data center areas. Additionally, areas like warehouses where no employees have nominal work areas may be restricted, with good cause. 3. The rules for dogs will be remarkable similar to the rules for humans: dogs or other pets that cannot maintain minimum levels of heigene, noise discipline, etc. In general, behavior that would not be considered acceptable workplace behavior by a human will not be considered acceptable workplace behavior by a dog. As such, Employee Relations may determine that, on a case-by-case basis, some dogs will not be allowed. C. No employee will be hired or terminated without the approval of Andrew Sharp, currently the CEO, but regardless of official company title. 1. Obviously, this will become more difficult as the company gets larger, in which case it will be modified in the future. 2. Obviously, if Andrew Sharp is no longer with the company, this provision will automatically be voided. D. The company holds honesty in the highest regard, therefore lying is an offense that can result in termination. 1. Lying can take many forms, including but not limited to: intentionally deceiving a co-worker, fellow employee, customer or vendor/supplier; intentionally witholding material information in a similar manner, especially when a duty to supply such information exists. 2. Accusations of lying are taken with similar seriousness. Hence, false accusations can be a termination offense. 3. Any accusation of lying will be investigated by ER. Action to be taken as a result of an investigation depends on the outcome and determination of said investigation. Dishonestly that directly affects the career or freedom of an employee, corporate relations with a vendor or customer, or promotes a personal agenda that is counter to the best interests of the company owners will receive strong corrective action, most likely termination. 4. An empoyee's heirarchical postion will not be a factor in determining the course of action to be taken. E. Any employee or prospective employee must understand the Lopoco is considered an adult work place. 1. Bullying will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to: harassment, sexual or otherwise; verbal and/or physical assaults (yelling in meetings; verbal threats intended to intimidate others, pushing/shoving, battery, etc.); dominance displays (pounding an inanimate object) and so on. 2. Usually such behavior is an attempt to disrupt rightful progress in the workplace, but that is not a requirement. 3. What passes for appropriate workplace behavior is understood to be highly reliant on local culture in that workplace, but bullying and negative manipulation of an employee's career are not variables in that equation. 4. At no time will the most easily offended person's attitude be the standard for appropriateness of behavior.