Hello Andy thank you for your e-mail.... how about 10:00 am PST tomorrow ?



At 04:11 PM 23/04/2015, you wrote:
Hi Pierre,

Kripa forwarded your inquiry to me.

We would be happy to talk about this.  Can we set up a time for a
conference call, since you guys are located in Montreal?


Andrew Sharp
Low Power Company, Inc.
twitter: @lowpowercompany
(m) 650-906-9448

> Hello Kripa,
> As you gather from my profile we are developing a new type of server technologies. We are working on an opportunity in Quebec province that may generate (when I could not tell you) several sever sales (maybe 1,000). We are trying to avoid the white box vendors and the big names (that are manufactured by white box vendors anyhow) and going low key (i.e. no noise). Our servers will not be ready in time for this opportunity and we are looking for an cooperative vendor that is willing to blend in our interim sales strategy. My e-mail address is pierrepo@videotron.ca please let me know if this is of interest to Lopoco. Again we are trying to keep a low profile.
> Thanks
> Pierre Popovic
> SpectRand Inc.


Pierre Popovic
SpectRand Inc.