rackspace.com opower http://gigaom.com/2012/11/19/opower-the-big-data-energy-player-to-beat/ wikipedia wordpress craigslist w3schools.net - possibly they are cloud appliance makers, like infoblox.com or bluecatnetworks.com infrastructure research groups at amazon, google, ebay, facebook, paypal turnitin.com remillon (education media) justintv.com stubhub chief data architect: Sastry Malladi MapMyFitness VP: Matt McLure Mark Interrante, senior vice president of product and engineering at Rackspace Matthew Franzen Manager Information Technologies. Center for Health Policy, Stanford University. Lives in Monta Loma, posted this on mln: Posted by: "Mattrf" MattRF@yahoo.com mattrf Date: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:28 pm ((PST)) Two drawer file cabinet and small oak book shelf. 356 Fay Way. Thu-Dec-19-2013 ====================== Portfolio companies of True Ventures Autommatic Apcera Bandcamp Duo Security Fitbit Edgeconnect GigaOm MessageBus aoptix 410labs 3DRobotics ====================== Alibaba Ethan Yu VP International Cloud Business Silicon Valley datacenter ----------------------- Sandstorm.io cheap cloud hosting Kenton Varda ----------------------- Tidemark ----------------------- Joyent CEO Scott Hammond CFO Brett Newsome CTO Bryan Cantrill Joyent, Inc. 655 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600 San Francisco, CA 94111 415.400.0600 ----------------------- Windstream windstream.com windstreambusiness.com data center and cloud solutions provider Fortune 500 company Darren Wilson, Sr. Solutions Consultant (salesman?) 225 W. 34th Street, Suite 801 | New York, NY 10122 darren.wilson@windstream.com m: 347-443-0880 -----------------------