2009 Annual Performance Summary for Richard Hardiman

Employee Information

Last Name: Hardiman
First Name: Richard
Job Title: Sys Adm Sr
Manager Name: Brian D Stark
Org Unit: OnStor Engineering
Location: Campbell CA 254 East Hacienda (USG2)
Most Current Hire Date: 09/14/2009

Review Information

Originator:   Performance Mgmt Tool (lsiadmin)
Review Period:   01/01/2009 - 12/31/2009

LSI Corporate Objectives

  1. Protect our Balance Sheet

  2. Build on our Design Win Momentum

  3. Drive Key Technology & Product Transitions to Breakaway from our Competition

  4. Achieve Breakout Year at Tipping Point Accounts

  5. Drive Dramatic Year-Over-Year Improvement in Execution to Customer Commitments

  6. Engage and Develop our Employees to Build Commitment and Loyalty to LSI
*The Corporate Objectives are not prioritized in any order. For additional information see LSI Corporate Objectives.

LSI Corporate Values

Review the Corporate Values below as you reflect on your key accomplishments for the year. In the next section, under Employee Input, you will provide specific examples of how you demonstrated these values related to your accomplishments.

Customer Success

Enable our customers to win in their markets.
  • Be committed to every customer's success through results
  • Engage and collaborate with our customers
  • Seek input from, listen to and learn from our customers
  • Align to and exceed our customers expectations

    Market leadership is derived from continuous innovation in our products and disciplines.
  • Deliver innovation that is valued by end consumers of our technology and products.
  • Embrace and encourage new ideas on all fronts.
  • Take intelligent risks to enhance our competitiveness.

    We are committed to excellence in everything we do.
  • Focus on and communicate what is important.
  • Relentlessly pursue improvement.
  • Anticipate change and be agile.
  • Deliver quality products and services on time.

    All of our relationships are built on a foundation of honesty and integrity.
  • Do what we say we will do.
  • Foster and encourage open communication.
  • Act responsibly with customers, suppliers, shareholders and each other.
  • Honestly represent ourselves and our intentions.

    Individual Responsibility
    We will achieve our greatest success if we all take responsibility for our actions.
  • Approach our work with passion and inspire others.
  • Think and work across boundaries through teamwork.
  • Respect for the individual.
  • Be accountable for what you own and assume responsibility if ownership is unclear.
  • 3-5 Key Objectives for the Performance Period

    Employee Instructions:
    Key Objective Sections: Enter 3-5 Objectives that were identified and agreed to by your manager during the January-March goal planning session.
    Employee Input Sections: Once you have identified your Key Objectives, document in detail how the objective was achieved; reference skills, behavioral competencies, and provide an example of how the selected corporate value was demonstrated.
    Corporate Value Sections: From the drop-down list, select the one value that most significantly contributed to your achievement of the objective.

    Manager Instructions: Review, support, and provide additional information, including your perspective around the employee's performance for the year.

    The overall performance descriptor will be based on the four factors in the Performance Summary Descriptor Criteria Matrixas well as your demonstration of the Corporate Values.


    Increased efficiency of Campbell Elab
      Corporate Value:

    Manager Input:
    No comments

    Implemented tiered network, test cells, increased power capacity and consolidated storage


    Better understand the needs of Engineering and QA teams
      Corporate Value:
    Individual Responsibility

    Manager Input:
    No comments

    Several meetings and interaction with different teams to gain understanding. Have implemented new strategies to better address the needs of the teams.


    Help Support the Engineering IT environment
      Corporate Value:

    Manager Input:
    No comments

    Supporting the Linux desktop for Engineers and developing new processes to improve environment.

    Development During Current Performance Period

    Describe 1-3 new or enhanced technical skills and behavioral competencies learned and demonstrated that enabled the employee’s accomplishments during the past performance period. Employee and/or manager select competencies from link.

    01. Action Oriented

    Skilled: Enjoys working hard; is action oriented and full of energy for the things he/she sees as challenging; not fearful of acting with a minimum of planning; seizes more opportunities than others.
    Unskilled: Slow to act on an opportunity; may be overly methodical, a perfectionist, or risk adverse; may procrastinate; may not set very challenging goals; may lack confidence to act; may know what to do but hesitates to do it; may not be motivated; may be bored with the work or burned out.
    Manager Input:
    No comments

    Richard is always ready to handle problems. He doesn't let difficulties simmer. He quickly assumes ownership of even the most challenging problems.

    02. Dealing with Ambiguity


    Skilled: Can effectively cope with change; can shift gears comfortably; can decide and act without having the total picture; isn’t upset when things are up in the air; doesn’t have to finish things before moving on; can comfortably handle risk and uncertainty.
    Unskilled: Not comfortable with change or uncertainty; may not do well on fuzzy problems with no clear solution or outcome; may prefer more data than others, and structure over uncertainty; prefers things tacked down and sure; less efficient and productive under ambiguity; too quick to close; may have a strong need to finish everything; may like to do things the same way time after time.

    Manager Input:
    No comments

    I relish new challenges. If a problem is unexplained I am at home being a detective, trying to solve the mystery. I always investigate problems, asking questions and looking at issues from different angles until a resolution is found. I really enjoy troubleshooting new problems, but I enjoy even more is finding the answer where no one else has been able to.

    32. Learning on the Fly

    Skilled: Learns quickly when facing new problems; a relentless and versatile learner; open to change; analyzes both successes and failures for clues to improvement; experiments and will try anything to find solutions; enjoys the challenge of unfamiliar tasks; quickly grasps the essence and the underlying structure of anything.
    Unskilled: Not agile or versatile in learning to deal with first time or unusual problems; may not analyze problems carefully or search for multiple clues and parallels; may be afraid to take a chance on the unknown; learns new things slowly; may be stuck in historical, tried and true methods, uncomfortable with ambiguity and quick to jump to a solution; doesn’t look under rocks, just sticks to the obvious; looks for the simplest explanation too soon; gives up too soon and accepts a marginal solution; functions on the surface, doesn’t go deep.
    Manager Input:
    No comments

    I am very open-minded and always ready to learn something new even if it is just a new perspective on a problem. When new ideas come up, I am always open to evaluate them. I always listen carefully to others, as the answer many times lies in between words. With an objective view of situations I am always ready to entertain a new way of looking at things.

    43. Perseverance

    Skilled: Pursues everything with energy, drive, and a need to finish; seldom gives up before finishing, especially in the face of resistance or setbacks.
    Unskilled: Gives up too soon or moves on to something that’s going better; doesn’t push hard enough to get things done; doesn’t go back with different strategies for the third and fourth try; may take rejection too personally; may hesitate to push when met with conflict, disagreement or attacks; may agree too early just to get it over with; may compromise for less than the original goal or objective; may simply not want to take charge and be out front.
    Manager Input:
    No comments

    I always strive to be the best and drive every project/task to completion regardless of the difficulty involved. I am committed to pushing things through and don't allow resistance or setbacks to deter me.

    51. Problem Solving

    Skilled: Uses rigorous logic and methods to solve difficult problems with effective solutions; probes all fruitful sources for answers; can see hidden problems; is excellent at honest analysis; looks beyond the obvious and doesn’t stop at the first answers.
    Unskilled: Not a disciplined problem solver; may be stuck in the past, wed to what worked before; many times has to come back and rework the problem a second time; may be a fire-ready-aim type; may get impatient and jump to conclusions too soon; may not stop to define and analyze the problem; doesn’t look under rocks; may have a set bag of tricks and pull unfit solutions from it; may miss the complexity of the issue and force fit it to what he/she is most comfortable with; unlikely to come up with the second and better solution, ask penetrating questions, or see hidden patterns.
    Manager Input:
    No comments

    I always approach problems with an open mind as there are always multiple solutions to every situation/problem. I tackle difficult problems with determination seeking out the source of the problem and coming up with multiple effective solutions. Difficulty doesn't slow him down.

    Employee's Area for Performance Development

    Employee and/or manager select 1-3 competencies: Identify which technical skills and behavioral competencies would enhance performance for the next performance period. If applicable, reflect on missed or incomplete goals and what alternative actions might have been taken for improved performance or a more effective outcome. Performance development outcomes will be evaluated as part of your performance review. This information is the foundation to being or update your development plan.

    **Your Individual Development Plans should be periodically reviewed and updated with areas of development identified by you and your manager during this performance period to ensure ongoing development. You will provide greater detail on selected competencies in your Individual Development Plan(IDP) found on the AIM Website

    For more information about Employee Development Plan please click here.

    05. Business Acumen

    Skilled: Knows how businesses work; knowledgeable in current and possible future policies, practices, trends, and information affecting his/her business and organization; knows the competition; is aware of how strategies and tactics work in the marketplace.
    Unskilled: Doesn't understand how businesses work; not knowledgeable and up-to-date about current and future policies, trends and information affecting his/her business and organization; doesn't know the competition; is unaware of how strategies and tactics work in the marketplace.
    Manager Input:
    No comments

    I am so focused on only our industry that occasionally I miss parallels from other industries or organizations. I would like to be able to gain additional industry views and perspectives from other sources.

    48. Political Savvy

    Skilled: Can maneuver through complex political situations effectively and quietly; is sensitive to how people and organizations function; anticipates where the land mines are and plans his/her approach accordingly; views corporate politics as a necessary part of organizational life and works to adjust to that reality; is a maze-bright person.
    Unskilled: Doesn't know how to navigate smoothly and quietly through political waters; says and does things that cause political problems; doesn't understand how to deal with not invented here and territory protection; rejects politics and may view self as apolitical; others might see this as naïve; may not deal with upper management persuasively; may be impatient with political process and make procedural errors; may be too direct and not consider impact on others; may not project out consequences of his/ her actions well.
    Manager Input:
    No comments

    I am aware that organizational politics are a part of life. I always make my best attempts to be aware and sensitive to political roadblocks. I understand the political process and have enough savvy to deal with all but the most complex political situations. I am very flexible in my corporate politics but could refine this skill to be more efficient at it.

    49. Presentation Skills

    Skilled: Is effective in a variety of formal presentation settings: one-on-one, small and large groups, with peers, direct reports, and bosses; is effective both inside and outside the organization, on both cool data and hot and controversial topics; commands attention and can manage group process during the presentation; can change tactics midstream when something isn't working.
    Unskilled: Not a skilled presenter in varying situations; may be shy; may be disorganized, presentations lack focus; may have a flat or grating style; doesn't listen to audience; may have personal idiosyncrasies and habits that get in the way; may be unprepared for or unable to handle tough questions; may always present the same way, not adjusting to audiences; may lose his/her cool during hot debate; may be nervous, even scared when speaking.
    Manager Input:
    No comments

    My presentations are competent for a small number of groups and settings, generally those I speak to regularly. I find it hard to read audiences sometimes and could use some improvement in this area..

    66. Work / Life Balance

    Skilled: Maintains a conscious balance between work and personal life so that one doesn't dominate the other; is not one dimensional; knows how to attend to both; gets what he/she wants from both.
    Unskilled: Lacks balance between work and personal life; overdoes one at the harmful expense of the other; may be a workaholic; may be bored off-work or can't relax; may be a poor time manager and priority setter; may just react; can't turn off one area of life and fully concentrate on the other; can't keep multiple and mixed priorities going at one time; carries troubles from one area of life into the other; can only seem to manage one or the other.
    Manager Input:
    No comments

    I am an active person with many interests at and outside work. I find it hard sometimes to plan ahead to fit both work and personal activities into my schedule, but I am working everyday to improve this.

    Management Support for Improved Employee Effectiveness and Development

    Employee: What specific ways could your manager help you to do your job more effectively? With regard to progress made toward developing technical skills or behavioral competencies, highlight what you'd like your manager to do more of, the same as, or less of, in order to support your development. Specifically outline how these suggestions will help you enhance your performance in your job.

    Performance Summary Comments

    Manager: Summarize in a clear, specific, and brief narrative, the employee’s contribution and the results achieved related to your organization's business objectives using the Corporate Values and the four performance factors in the Performance Summary Descriptor Criteria Matrix. Consider business conditions, organizational changes, and any changes in the employee’s responsibilities during the performance period. Communicate the areas where the employee could develop for future effectiveness.