Lucid Hours and Notes
tue 8:10 - 13:00
+2 hrs
wed 8:10 - 5:15
thu 7:30 - 10:15
13:00 - 18:00
fri 09:00 - 10:00
11:30 - 17:15
Mon - 7.30pm
tue 9am - 10am
wed 11a - 6:30p
thu 9a - 9:30a standup
10.15a - 6.30p
fri 9a - 10a
10:15a - 1:30p
mon. 9a - 10a
queried Nishanth Kolli (or Seung Min) for what to do next - it says 'ready to be merged'
2p - 4p
coding tcu-9107
tue 11a - 3p
testing/debugging 9107
checking in with Prateek,
PR generated for 9107
wed 9a - 9:30a
12:45p - 6:30p
pr review, json until code
thu. 9a - 4p
fix build problem with TCU 9107; investigate code in regards to TCU 9465; more build problems, some kind of git merge error
fri 3a - 4a
fix branch merge conflict so 9107 can do a build
8.30a - 2:15
standup; review training sessions regarding diag_mgr; work with Seung Min to move tickets to QA? Venkata for diag mgr
Mon 04/04/22
9a - 9:30a
12:30p - 6:30p
diag_mgr work, walk thru from murugesh, investigating various tickets
tue 9a - 9:30a
standup, code
10:15a - 6:30p
chalk talk w/ murugesh, code spelunking
wed. 9a - 9:30a
10:30a - 3:30p
code spelunking and moving
thu. 9a - 10a
standup, email, etc
11a - 5p
getting PR for libtransmitter chg
fri. 9a - 2:45p
addressing comments in PR